Register WP Customize Options.
This function should only be invoked through the ‘customize_register’ action.
beans_register_wp_customize_options( $fields, $section, $args = array() )
function beans_register_wp_customize_options( array $fields, $section, $args = array() ) {
* Filter the customizer fields.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, $section, refers to the section id which defines the group of fields.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $fields An array of customizer fields.
$fields = apply_filters( "beans_wp_customize_fields_{$section}", _beans_pre_standardize_fields( $fields ) );
// Stop here if the current page isn't concerned.
if ( ! is_customize_preview() ) {
// Stop here if the field can't be registered.
if ( ! beans_register_fields( $fields, 'wp_customize', $section ) ) {
return false;
// Load the class only if this function is called to prevent unnecessary memory usage.
require_once( BEANS_API_PATH . 'wp-customize/class.php' );
new _Beans_WP_Customize( $section, $args );