
Modify wp_nav_menu arguments.

This function converts the wp_nav_menu to UIKit format. It uses Beans custom walker and also makes use of the Beans HTML API.

beans_modify_menu_args( array $args )

Return: (array) The modified wp_nav_menu arguments.


$argsarraytrue-The wp_nav_menu arguments.


function beans_modify_menu_args( $args ) {

	// Get type.
	$type = beans_get( 'beans_type', $args );

	// Check if the menu is in a widget area and set the type accordingly if it is defined.
	if ( $widget_area_type = beans_get_widget_area( 'beans_type' ) ) {
		$type = ( 'stack' == $widget_area_type ) ? 'sidenav' : $widget_area_type;

	// Stop if it isn't a beans menu.
	if ( ! $type ) {
		return $args;

	// Default item wrap attributes.
	$attr = array(
		'id'    => '%1$s',
		'class' => array( beans_get( 'menu_class', $args ) ),

	// Add UIKit navbar item wrap attributes.
	if ( 'navbar' == $type ) {
		$attr['class'][] = 'uk-navbar-nav';

	// Add UIKit sidenav item wrap attributes.
	if ( 'sidenav' == $type ) {

		$attr['class'][] = 'uk-nav uk-nav-parent-icon uk-nav-side';
		$attr['data-uk-nav'] = '{multiple:true}';


	// Add UIKit offcanvas item wrap attributes.
	if ( 'offcanvas' == $type ) {

		$attr['class'][] = 'uk-nav uk-nav-parent-icon uk-nav-offcanvas';
		$attr['data-uk-nav'] = '{multiple:true}';


	// Implode to avoid empty spaces.
	$attr['class'] = implode( ' ', array_filter( $attr['class'] ) );

	// Set to null if empty to avoid outputing empty class html attribute.
	if ( ! $attr['class'] ) {
		$attr['class'] = null;

	$location_subfilter = ( $location = beans_get( 'theme_location', $args ) ) ? "[_{$location}]" : null;

	// Force beans menu arguments.
	$force = array(
		'beans_type' => $type,
		'items_wrap' => beans_open_markup( "beans_menu[_{$type}]{$location_subfilter}", 'ul', $attr, $args ) . '%3$s' . beans_close_markup( "beans_menu[_{$type}]{$location_subfilter}", 'ul', $args ),

	// Allow walker overwrite.
	if ( ! beans_get( 'walker', $args ) ) {
		$args['walker'] = new _Beans_Walker_Nav_Menu;

	// Adapt level to walker depth.
	$force['beans_start_level'] = ( $level = beans_get( 'beans_start_level', $args ) ) ? ( $level - 1 ) : 0;

	return array_merge( $args, $force );
