Generate layout elements used by Beans 'imageradio' option type.
Added layout should contain a unique ID as the array key and a URL path to its related image as the array value.
beans_get_layouts_for_options( bool $add_default = false )
Return: (array) Layouts ready for Beans 'imageradio' option type.
Name | Type | Required | Default | Description |
$add_default | bool | false | false | Whether the 'default_fallback' element is added or not. |
function beans_get_layouts_for_options( $add_default = false ) {
$base = BEANS_ADMIN_ASSETS_URL . 'images/layouts/';
$layouts = array(
'c' => $base . 'c.png',
// Add sidebar primary layouts if the primary widget area is registered.
if ( $has_primary = beans_has_widget_area( 'sidebar_primary' ) ) {
$layouts['c_sp'] = $base . 'cs.png';
$layouts['sp_c'] = $base . 'sc.png';
// Add sidebar secondary layouts if the primary and secondary widget area are registered.
if ( $has_primary && beans_has_widget_area( 'sidebar_secondary' ) ) {
$layouts['c_sp_ss'] = $base . 'css.png';
$layouts['sp_ss_c'] = $base . 'ssc.png';
$layouts['sp_c_ss'] = $base . 'scs.png';
* Filter the layouts.
* - $c stands for content.
* - $sp stands for sidebar primary.
* - $ss stands for 'sidebar secondary.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param array $args An array of layouts.
$layouts = apply_filters( 'beans_layouts', $layouts );
if ( $add_default ) {
$layouts = array_merge( array(
'default_fallback' => sprintf(
__( 'Use Default Layout (%s)', 'tm-beans' ),
'<a href="' . admin_url( 'customize.php?autofocus[control]=beans_layout' ) . '">' . _x( 'Modify', 'Default layout', 'tm-beans' ) . '</a>'
), $layouts );
return $layouts;