
Echo image field type.

beans_field_image( $field )


function beans_field_image( $field ) {

	// Set the images variable and add placeholder to the array.
	$images = array_merge( (array) $field['value'], array( 'placeholder' ) );

	// Is multiple set.
	$multiple = beans_get( 'multiple', $field );

	// Hide beans if it is a single image and an image already exists
	$hide = ! $multiple && is_numeric( $field['value'] ) ? 'style="display: none"' : '';

	<a href="#" class="bs-add-image button button-small" <?php echo $hide; ?>><?php echo _n( 'Add Image', 'Add Images', ( $multiple ? 2 : 1 ), 'tm-beans' ); ?></a>
	<input type="hidden" name="<?php echo esc_attr( $field['name'] ); ?>" value="">
	<div class="bs-images-wrap" data-multiple="<?php echo esc_attr( $multiple ); ?>">
		<?php foreach ( $images as $id ) :

			// Stop here if the id is false.
			if ( ! $id ) {

			$class = '';
			$img = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $id, 'thumbnail' );

			$attributes = array_merge( array(
				'class' => 'image-id',
				'type'  => 'hidden',
				'name'  => $multiple ? $field['name'] . '[]' : $field['name'], // Return single value if not multiple.
				'value' => $id,
			), $field['attributes'] );

			// Set placeholder.
			if ( 'placeholder' == $id ) {

				$class = 'bs-image-template';
				$attributes = array_merge( $attributes, array( 'disabled' => 'disabled', 'value' => false ) );


			<div class="bs-image-wrap <?php echo esc_attr( $class ); ?>">
				<input <?php echo beans_esc_attributes( $attributes ); ?>/>
				<img src="<?php echo esc_url( beans_get( 0, $img ) ); ?>">
				<div class="bs-toolbar">
					<?php if ( $multiple ) : ?>
						<a href="#" class="dashicons dashicons-menu"></a>
					<?php endif; ?>
					<a href="#" class="dashicons dashicons-edit"></a>
					<a href="#" class="dashicons dashicons-post-trash"></a>

		<?php endforeach; ?>
