Enqueue UIKit components and Beans style.
Beans style is enqueued with the UIKit components to have access to UIKit LESS variables.
beans_enqueue_uikit_components( )
Return: (void)
function beans_enqueue_uikit_components() {
$core = array(
beans_uikit_enqueue_components( $core, 'core', false );
// Include uikit default theme.
beans_uikit_enqueue_theme( 'default' );
// Enqueue uikit overwrite theme folder.
beans_uikit_enqueue_theme( 'beans', BEANS_ASSETS_PATH . 'less/uikit-overwrite' );
// Add the theme style as a uikit fragment to have access to all the variables.
beans_compiler_add_fragment( 'uikit', BEANS_ASSETS_PATH . 'less/style.less', 'less' );
// Add the theme default style as a uikit fragment only if the theme supports it.
if ( current_theme_supports( 'beans-default-styling' ) ) {
beans_compiler_add_fragment( 'uikit', BEANS_ASSETS_PATH . 'less/default.less', 'less' );